Bernadette here with an important update. . .
I wanted to let you know about an absolutely free, live webinar
my friend Stephen Beck is having to help people just like you
make your first $1000 on the internet ...and then go way beyond!
It's happening NEXT TUESDAY, April 6, 2009 at TWO TIMES
especially for my valued customers and subscribers:
2:00pm (USA-Eastern)/7:00pm (UK)
9:00pm (USA-Eastern)/2:00am (UK)
On this information-packed free event, using the latest
webinar technology, you’ll not only discover how to make your
first $1000 online...
BUT...most importantly ...Stephen will will show you how to turn
that first $1000 into a regular $1000, $3000 and even $5000 per
month doing what you love and putting an end to those nagging
money worries forever!
Plus not only will you be able to hear Stephen talking about how
people new to the Internet can get started, but you’ll also get
to SEE and WATCH it happening in real time on your computer
screen, complete with real examples! (And it doesn’t matter what
connection speed you have or even if you have a PC or Mac.)
Properly applied, the strategies revealed during the event will
allow you to start an additional stream of income on the Internet
...while you continue to work your day job (but hopefully, not
for long!).
We only have 500 spots for this event. So there’s a very good
chance this will be completely SOLD OUT.
Claim your spot here while you can:
Don’t delay and kick yourself later.
Bernadette Doyle
P.S...{Since there’s zero cost for this one-time-only event,} I
expect this will be completely booked in no time flat.
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