Sunday, May 16, 2010

How To Submit Articles - Secrets Of Internet Marketing Basics

Whether beginning an online business or making your current one more profitable, do you know internet marketing basics? You can have greater success if you will use a few key principles. Following a step-by-step course is one of the best ways to get started, and your best bet is to find a course that has proven results.

To begin with, you will want to submit your articles to a website called Ezine Articles. Because of the authority of this site, Google ranks articles here higher than others. It likes anything from Ezine because the site requires original articles which cannot be found in other directories. So be sure to submit to Ezine first. You can even create a template so that your process is easier.

Once your article is approved, you can use that same article to create a webpage. You can rewrite your article and post it to your business blog. This gets your article out to your list.

Next, take the second version of your article and submit it to other article directories. I use Articles Base and Article Snatch in addition to posting on Ezine. I have noticed that my articles on these three sites routinely get ranked high in Google.

When you post, rotate your article titles and resource boxes. When you rotate your resource boxes, you use different backward links to direct traffic to your domain. This can also increase your rank in Google.

Submitting articles is a popular and effective way to drive traffic to your site and also get backlinks. All it takes is some well-written articles, submitted to just the right directories. Why not begin today?


Copyright Stephen Beck, 2010
You have permission to reprint this article as long as you don't make any changes and include the bio below.

Stephen Beck can teach you internet marketing basics and how to make your first $1000 online. Get a FREE link to his webinar replay, where Stephen explains exactly what you should do:

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