Sunday, October 04, 2009

Increase Your Sales With Wonderful Webinars

I am a huge proponent of webinars for internet-based training. I like to think of them as Wonderful Webinars. Why do I think webinars work so well? The reasons are endless!

First of all, a webinar is efficient. You can create several products at one time. Think about this: if I have a webinar, I will record it and at the end of my webinar I will have a video that I can turn around and sell. I will also have an audio file at the end that I can turn into audio CDs, or podcasts.

In addition, the transcripts can be captured from the training by a transcriber. These can be turned into a product also. You can even take the Powerpoint presentation that you use for the training and turn that into a product, such as a workbook or a bonus as part of a larger product.

As an added bonus, I can most likely also take the transcript and break it up into pieces and potentially get around 50 articles that now I can blast to article directories, which of course helps my ranking in Google due to backward links. So by having one product, I can with minimal effort, turn it into four products at once through webinars.

Internet-based training also has the added benefit of being able to reach a large group of people at once. With average conversion rates ranging anywhere from 10% to 30%, this is an excellent form of leverage. Even 33% has been a rate I have seen in the past. Can you imagine the payday you will receive if you have 100 participants and 33 of the buy your product? Sometimes the rates can be lower also.

Regardless, you are still going to generate much higher conversion rates from internet based training than other marketing strategies. You will not find another marketing strategy with as powerful of a leverage point. If you are looking to make more money, this is the way to go. I have seen this method work effectively time and time again.


Copyright Stephen Beck, 2009
You have permission to reprint this article as long as you don't make any changes and include the bio below.

Stephen Beck teaches families how to make profits online with live webinars. Go grab his free online business information at so you can begin today.

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