Friday, October 02, 2009

Improve Your Offline Sales Efforts With Webinar Training

In a previous article I talked about the multiple benefits of using webinars in your online business. Now, I want to discuss a model of how webinars can work in your offline business as well. Used correctly, webinar allow you to identify interested people and concentrate your marketing efforts and dollars on them.

What makes webinars so effective is how the simple act of registering for a webinar qualifies a prospect for your business. If that same person actually participates in the webinar, they become even more qualified. If that same person listens to the entire webinar they are even more qualified. Finally, if they listen to the entire webinar and they participate in the post webinar survey, they become the most qualified person on which to market your products and services.

When you are marketing webinars, you must recognize that not everyone is going to buy from you right away. Some people may like what you have to offer but may not buy for financial reasons or because they are not sold yet. Separating your prospective customer list into these four categories makes it easier to market. These are the folks that I want to call personally.

These are the people that are worth spending my marketing dollars on and my time pursuing. Is it worth sending direct mail to my entire list? Of course not! I would be in the poor house. I would be sending postcards and bulky mail and making phone calls to people who are really not that interested. What a gross waste of effort it would be to take such a course of action.

With marketing webinars you know exactly who are the best prospects to spend your time and effort on. Using this strategy shows you who are most likely to make a decision to purchase your product or service and which customers you should spend your efforts following up with.

Using webinars can dramatically improve the bottom line for your offline business. If you are not implementing them into your business you are likely spending time and money that you do not have to spend.

Copyright Stephen Beck, 2009
You have permission to reprint this article as long as you don't make any changes and include the bio below.
Stephen Beck likes to help families make money online through a webinar service. Go get his free online business information at so you can start today.

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